The publication A.M.A. Azeez – Speeches and Tributes edited by M. Ali Azeez and A.M. Nahiya was published by the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Foundation and was released at the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Commemoration Meeting on 27th November 2018. The book contains his scholarly speeches, memorial orations and tributes by his students.

1. His Speech at Felicitation Dinner in 1935 delivered at the dinner in his honour by the Ceylon Muslim League on becoming the first Muslim civil servant. At his young age he showed interest in the education of the Muslims.

2. His well researched speech I.L.M. Abdul Azeez Birth Centenary Address (1967) delivered at the Moors’ Islamic Cultural Home

3. His well researched speech Some Aspects of the Muslim Society of Ceylon with Special Reference to the Eighteen-Eighties (1966) delivered at the First International Conference of Tamil Studies held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

4. His appreciation Swami Vipulananda Whom I Knew (1948) shows his close friendship with Swami.

5. Memorial oration A.M.A. Azeez Eminent and Honourable Leader by Prof. Bertram Bastiampillai (1993).

6. Memorial oration The Dilemma of Sri Lankan Minorities by Prof. K. Sivathamby (2000).

7. Tributes by his students, A.M.A. Azeez’s Intellectual Legacy Has Stood the Test of Time by Thalif Deen (2015); A.M.A. Azeez’s Agricultural Feat in the East by A.I. Marikar (2017) and ‘Golden Era’ of Zahira College by Bhikku W. Rathana Thero (2009).

An audio recording of the speech I.L.M. Abdul Azeez Birth Centenary Address is uploaded on the website under Audio and Video Speeches.

(The book is available for sale at the Dr. A.M.A. Azeez Foundation office).

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